Spanish Chamber

of Commerce in Korea

Spanish Chamber

of Commerce in Korea

Spanish Chamber

of Commerce in Korea


스페인과 한국 간의 상업적 유대를 강화하기 위해 스페인 정부가 인정하는 민간 비영리 단체로 양국간의 경제와 산업적 관계를 증진시키고자 합니다.

앞으로도 두 나라 간의 교역과 문화적인 관계를 개선시키기 위해 최선을 다 할 것을 약속 드리겠습니다.

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[News] Dwight School and Rosa Flamenco Joined Forces for a Cultural Workshop

    On January 7, the ESCCK had the pleasure of co-organizing an exciting Flamenco workshop with our members, Dwight School and Rosa Flamenco. As part of Dwight School’s clas...

[News] FORCA New Year’s Reception 2025

  On January 8th, the Federation of Foreign Chambers of Commerce in Korea (FORCA) hosted its New Year’s Reception in the Orchid Room at the InterContinental Seoul Parnas.   The eve...

Spanish Chamber attended the Premiere Zarzuela Performance in the Korea hosted by Korea Opera Coa...

On December 29, ESCCK had the privilege of attending the Premiere Zarzuela Performance hosted by the Korea Opera Coaches Association (KOCA). This event was organised to raise funds for the Spa...

ESCCK Attends 1st anniversary celebration of Catalonia’s Delegation in the Republic of Korea

  On December 18th, the ESCCK was honoured to attend the 1st anniversary celebration of Catalonia’s Delegation in the Republic of Korea   It was a great chance to con...

[News] ESCCK at the Swedish Chamber’s Glögg Event

  On December 13th, ESCCK had the pleasure of joining the Glögg event organized by the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Korea.   We were delighted to see our member, Flamenco artist Maris...

ESCCK Attends The 54Th Anniversary Of Korea Importers Association

On December 10, Roger Royo, President of ESCCK, and Jiji Lee, Secretary General, were honored to attend the 54th Anniversary celebration of the Korea Importers Association (KOIMA). Since September,...
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